Your Free Mini-Numerology Reading!

Hello Sultana,

I’m glad you took advantage of this opportunity to get a free Mini-Numerology reading that could change your life! Today you’ll learn the basics of how numerology works, and how you can harness the power of the numbers to your advantage. This information is completely free!

But, I’m also going to give you the chance to get access to a full numerology report as well as a series of guides that will show you new ways to expand your world and get the most out of life.

I’ve dedicated my life to understanding how numerology really works, and I’ve used my knowledge to help thousands of people learn more about themselves and turn their lives around!

All you have to do is open yourself up to the power of numerology, and you may learn truths you’d never have access to otherwise.

But, enough of that. Before I tell you about this incredible opportunity, let’s get to your Mini-Numerology reading!

We’ll start off with your “life path,” one of the most basic parts of any numerology reading. You were born on [dob]. That means your Life Path number is [lifepathnumber].

How We Know Your Life Path Number Is [lifepathnumber]

Calculating your Life Path number is a four-step process:

  • We start out with the year of birth and add up the numbers. So since you were born in 2001, you would add 2 Plus 0 Plus 0 Plus 1 becomes 3.
  • Next, add the numbers of the birth date. So since you were born on the 05th, that would give us: 5.
  • After that, add up the numbers of the birth month. If this is a single digit, just use that. So you were born in Apr, this number would be 4.
  • Finally, add up the numbers from the first three steps. In this example we'd add 3 plus 5 plus 4 and get 12. We then add 1 Plus 2 , which gives us 3 as the final Life Path number.

You Can Use A Life Path Number Generation Chart To Calculate Anyone's Life Path Number!


What You Can Learn From Your Life Path Number

You are psychically gifted and empathic. Your path will lead you to seek life’s deepest truths and attract mystical encounters that bring you great spiritual rewards!

Sultana,  your Life Path number 7 tells us…

Sultana, your Life Path number [lifepathnumber] tells us…

Now that you know the basics of what your Life Path number says about you, it’s time to learn about your “Expression” or “Destiny” number.

Unlock Your True Destiny with
Your Expression Number

Your Expression number shows us your innate abilities. It will highlight natural talents –– some of which you may not yet realize you have!

The Expression Number is also referred to as your Destiny Number because it also shows you what you are best designed to accomplish in your life. In other words: It reveals potentials within you that want to be activated!

As you’ve already seen, your Life Path Number is calculated using the numbers of your date of birth. Your Expression is calculated quite differently …

We will find this “Number of your Destiny” by analyzing the letters of your Full Name at birth, using this chart:


Why your full name?

Because your name at birth is like a blueprint of your potential. You can think of it as the inheritance you collected, right up to the moment of your birth.

Here’s how it works: Each letter in your name corresponds with a number to form a full picture of both who you are now, and most importantly … who you are truly meant to be!

So to receive your free personalized Expression reading now, please enter your full name below.

Full Name Given at Birth

Full Name Used Today

(if different than birth name)

Now Let’s Discover Your Expression Number, Sultana

Once you’ve gotten this far, you just add up the numbers in each row.
  • The top line becomes ( 1 + 9 ) which gives us ( 10 )
  • The bottom line becomes ( 4 + 2 + 8 + 1 + 8 + 7 + 1 + 8 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 8 + 2 + 1 + 8 ) which gives us ( 63 )
  • Now add up these two numbers ( 10 + 63 ) and that gives us ( 73 )
  • Finally, add ( 7 + 3 = 10 which gives us 1 + 0 = 1 )

So, Sultana, we now know that your Expression number is = 1

What You Can Learn From Your Expression Number

Your Expression Number 4 allows you to be the steadying influence among family and friends. You can count on yourself to bring your vision to form.


This is what your Expression number says about you. Now, before I tell you about the opportunity I have to offer you, I want to talk about your Soul Urge number.

What Your Soul Urge Says About You

Sultana,  you have a Soul Urge number of ([soulurgenumber]). This number unlocks the secrets of what your heart really desires out of life.


Sultana, Wouldn't You Like To Know Even More About What The Numbers Have To Say About You?

In this free mini report, I’ve given you a wealth of information about yourself and how the numbers determine who you are, what challenges you face, and how to overcome them.

This information is just the beginning. I’ve provided you with three numerology readings. But today, you have the opportunity to get your hands on more than 900 numerological calculations that can change your life.

I’m offering you a full comprehensive numerological reading that can tell you exactly who you are today, and how to accomplish your goals into the future. Learn why parts of your life have been a struggle and how to overcome them. Discover what makes you a special person and why you are important.

You’ll discover how the different parts of your personality fit together to make you the person you are today, and how they can create an even better tomorrow. You’ll learn how to love yourself and how to leverage your strengths into success. You’ll know how to overcome your weaknesses.

Most importantly, you’ll gain a greater understanding of your true heart’s desires and have a map of how to achieve them. Success will be your future, and all your failures will be in the past.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get a comprehensive numerology reading to finally understand yourself and know what you need to do to get the life you deserve.

It’s all in the numbers.

You’ll learn:
  • Uncover the truth of what major life "turning points" may be in store for you.
  • Immerse yourself in a life of greater passion.
  • Discover, deep down, what's most important to you, and how easy it is to get it!
  • Find the hidden, money-making secrets of your personality so you can be worry-free financially!
  • Make advancements in your job or career by uncovering the hidden strengths inside of you, then learning how to use them for success.
  • Discover, develop and master new talents you probably don't even know you have!
  • Gain crystal-clear awareness of your hidden talents, inner skills and natural abilities so you can take advantage of previously hidden opportunities for success!
  • Naturally begin attracting more harmonious, rewarding and long-lasting love into your life.
  • Live joyfully in the moment more than ever, by understanding your deepest inner motivations, ambitions, needs, wants and desires!
  • Learn how to deal with, understand - and influence - your family, friends, lovers, employers and employees!
  • Discover a simple, quick way to maximize your energy and reduce your stress!

The Future Is In Your Hands Once We Show You The Map Of Your Destiny!


When you take advantage of this opportunity today, you’ll start to finally understand your future and how to get where you want to go.

You’ll know where your relationships, personal well-being and career are currently heading, and know how to get them back on the right track.

Imagine using a guide that will give you specific guidance on your:

Life Path number that focuses in on your positive and negative traits, relationship, career, and financials…

Your Personality number which breaks down the traits that may be blocking you from your truest potential…

Your Soul Urge number, in much greater detail, so you can be in harmony with the universe and follow the blueprint for your destiny, and SO much more…

Consider the possibility of having a guide to know what challenges to expect and how to deal with them. That’s what you’ll get when you order my complete, comprehensive numerology report today.

You’ll know all of the big and small changes that are coming up. This will allow you to take advantage of opportunities and avoid land mines.

Wouldn’t it be great to never again miss a big opportunity because you’d know about it in advance? Wouldn’t that give you a powerful step up on life? That’s all included in my numerology report!

I’ll even outline the four biggest challenges you will face in your life. When you are prepared for challenges, you can overcome them. That’s the power of the numbers. There are pinnacle moments coming up in your life where you will need to make life-altering decisions. I’ll show you when they are coming up, so you are prepared to face them.

Is your life not going in the direction you want? Do you wonder where your relationships, job and finances will be five years from now? I can use the numbers to answer those questions, so you can take charge of your life and understand your future.

All you have to do is order my comprehensive numerology report today!

You'll Have Peace Of Mind When You Discover Your True Life Path!

Do you know whether the path you are currently on in life is the right one or the wrong one for you? Do you often wonder if you are doing the right thing? Are you confused because you don’t know what advice you should take? If so, you don’t need to worry anymore. All the answers are in the numbers, and my comprehensive numerology report will reveal them to you!

Just consider some of the things you’ll learn in my comprehensive numerology report:

  • What the major turning points in your life will be.
  • What's really most important to you, and how to achieve those goals.
  • The parts of your personality that can cause you to become seriously wealthy, and which parts of your personality are holding you back from financial freedom.
  • Ways to create a path of lifetime success, unlock your hidden talents, and take advantage of hidden opportunities.
  • The best ways to use your strengths to advance in your career.
  • How to have loving and rewarding relationships.
  • The secrets of your inner motivations, and how they can lead to long-term happiness.
  • The ability to master your emotional reactions to life events so that they work for you instead of sabotaging you.
  • Where your life is out of balance, and how to achieve true balance in life so that you feel inner peace.
  • Your lucky numbers and lucky days, so you can take advantage of your good luck and avoid your bad luck.
  • The path to fulfilling all of your romantic dreams.
  • The information you need to overcome any obstacle life throws at you.
  • Your true destiny, so you no longer fight the future.
  • Knowledge of how to use your strengths and weaknesses to accomplish anything you want in life.
  • An explanation of what your true personality is, so that you finally understand yourself and know how you relate to the world.
  • When you should get married, change jobs and even go on vacation.
  • The secrets of your future, so you can plan out how to handle it and make the most out of life.
  • Ways to win friends and influence people – and even improve your relationship with your family.
  • Quick ways to beat stress, regain focus and have more energy than you have had in years!

All Of Your Secrets Lie In The Numbers!

This is just a brief sample of what you’ll learn when you order my comprehensive numerology report today. It will be jam-packed with valuable information that can help you improve your life for years to come.

Before I talk more about how this opportunity can put you on the path to success, I want to spend a minute talking about numerology itself.

Numerology is one of the oldest sciences in the world. It dates back more than 4,000 years, and was studied and advanced by Pythagoras – one of the most important mathematicians in history.

Over the centuries, it has been improved and built upon by the most brilliant men of their generations. But it wasn’t until today when improved applied mathematics and ultra fast computers were invented, that its true potential could finally be unlocked.

I understand how the numbers work and I’ve used my years of specialized training to create the most accurate and comprehensive numerological reports in the history of the world.

In other words…

This Report Will Give You The Most Advanced And Helpful Numerological Reading You've Ever Experienced!

You’ll know as soon as you start reading it how accurate it is. Because I’m not going to only tell you about your future, I’m going to bring up facts about your past that you may have never revealed to anyone before. Then I’ll explain to you why you had to go through these experiences, and how to use them to give yourself a better future.

In other words, this report will tell you everything you need to know about your past, present and future. Each and every day, I get emails from people who have read my report and they are astounded by how accurate it is. Then they tell me how they’ve been able to use my report to build a better life for themselves. 

I was amazed at how accurate it was. This report helps you understand yourself better and you can see where you are meant to go and what you should be doing in this life!

Sandra, US

Every aspect seems dead on & very timely in my life at this moment; I actually feel this presence guiding me and am energized and inspired to follow through with meaningful action to bring it all to fruition!

Monica, US

My reading has given me so much insight to who I am. I couldn't imagine a day without having it now and I loved the follow-up email from Dawn that helped me understand my reading so much more. Thank you so much

Len, CAN

All they had to do was take that crucial first step and order my comprehensive numerology report, and they were able to turn their lives around!

Just Think What You'll Have At Your Fingertips!

  • Your Comprehensive Numerological Reading
  • I will do a complete analysis of your numbers and provide you with a report telling you everything they reveal about your past, present and future, and how you can use this information to create a better life for yourself.
  • You'll finally understand your true personality, your purpose in life, your passions, and how to meet and exceed all of your goals.

Time Is Running Out! This Numerology Report Is Only Good If You Claim Your Reading Today! If You Don't, You May Never Have Access To This Powerful Information!

Sultana, this special offer for your own, customized Numerology Life Path Report is only available for you right now on this page.

Once you close this window, the offer will be passed on to the next person in line.

So, if you order now, I’ll create your reading right away and you’ll have it by the end of the day.

Don’t hesitate, procrastinate or put this off – or you may never again have the chance to use the power of the numbers to finally understand yourself and get your life on track!

Order today, and put the power of the numbers to work for you tomorrow!

If you close this page, you may miss out on an amazing opportunity!

Thousands of people all over the world have used my numerological reports to change their lives for the better.

How To Correctly Enter Names

Full Name Given at Birth

Use the full name given at birth, including the complete middle name if there is one. This is usually the name as it exactly appears on the birth certificate. If the name on the birth certificate was never used or was changed shortly after birth, for whatever reason, the name on the birth certificate is still the correct name to use.

The only exceptions: (1) if a clerical error has occurred, use the actual name given at birth, or (2) if you were adopted, use the full adopted name given by the first family you permanently resided with (your soul’s linkage is with your permanent adoptive parents rather than with any foster or natural parents).

Full Name Commonly Used Today

The full name most commonly used today must also be entered. If several different names are used, enter the full name most strongly identified with. That’s usually the name used with family and close friends. Sometimes, if you have a strong career identification, it’s the name used in your professional work. Only use the middle name (or initial) if you more strongly identify with it than without it.

Hyphenated Names

If a name is hyphenated, enter the name with the hyphen.

Compound Names

If the last name is made of compounds, combine them into one name, placing an underscore character between each compound part. For example:

‘Arthur van der Kalen’ is entered as ‘Arthur van_der_kalen’

If a compound name contains either a Y or W, then the following are all valid ways to enter the name. This assures that the Y and W are correctly detected as vowels or consonants:

‘George DeWitt’ can be entered as:

‘George DeWitt’ or as,

‘George De_Witt’ or as,


‘george de_witt’

but not as ‘George Dewitt’ or ‘GEORGE DEWITT’.

Names Ending With Jr., Sr., II, Etc.

If the name contains a Jr. or Sr. or II, III, etc., following the name, then omit it. For example:

‘Henry Ford, Jr.’ is entered as ‘Henry Ford’

Foreign Alphabets

Foreign alphabets that use the English character set are also supported. Examples include French, Italian and Spanish. If your alphabet uses accents above certain characters, enter the equivalent non-accented character.

If you use the Spanish alphabet containing two character letters (CH, LL and RR), then enter these characters as two single characters surrounded by a left and right parenthesis, i.e., enter CH as a C character followed by a H character (CH). The parentheses will not be displayed, but the double letters will now be correctly treated as a single letter.

For alphabets that do not use the Roman letters—Russian, Japanese, Hebrew, traditional Chinese or Greek for example—use the transliterated name, i.e., the name as written in the Roman alphabet.

Long Names (more then 4 names long)

Finally, our system uses a maximum of four names. If a person’s complete name contains more than four names, only the first and last name are used. If you enter more than four names, all the names will be displayed, but only the first and last names will be used for the calculations. If you want to override this method of calculation, then use the underscore character instead of a space character to separate the extra middle names, so effectively there are only four names. For example:

‘William Steven David Matthew Crown’ can be entered as:

‘William Steven_David Matthew Crown’

Please choose your Birthday